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Profesorii noștri

Pascalu Inna

Pascalu Inna

Magistru în drept

Secretar al Consiliului pentru Dezvoltare Strategică Instituțională a USEM


Școala de vară - Universitatea din Oslo, Regatul Norvegiei - 20.06-31.07.2019


Welcome to the lnternational Summer School - June 20 - July 31, 2020

The ISS offers 14 Bachelor’s courses focusing mainly on Norwegian language, culture and society, and 7 Master’s courses on topics of broad international interest. The courses adopt a comparative perspective, where the Norwegian case may serve as a basis for future dialogue and discussion. All our courses offer ECTS credit points.
We also offer a limited number of partial and full scholarships.
Students who are self financed, sponsored by their home institution, or only dependent on a partial scholarship have better chances of admission than students who apply for full scholarships.
The application deadline for qualified scholarship applicants is February 1, 2020.
The deadline for qualified self-financed/sponsored applicants is March 1, 2020.
Interested candidates can apply online beginning December 4, 2019.
The International Summer School (ISS) at the University of Oslo has offered intensive summer courses since 1947.
Nearly 30,000 students from more than 150 countries have . attended our program.
In 2019, the ISS welcomed 500 students from 80 different countries to six intensive weeks of learning both inside and outside the classroom.
As in earlier years, the evaluations from students and staff alike were very positive, giving testimony of six weeks of academic achievement combined with a rich social environment and activities program.

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