
Anticamera USEM
+373 22 509 122

Secția studii 
+373 22 509 140

Comisia de Admitere
+373 22 509 140
+373 22 509 127
+373 22 509 149

Facultatea de Drept
+373 22 509 137

Facultatea de Psihologie
și Asistență Socială

+373 22 509 196

Facultatea de Jurnalism
și Științe ale Comunicării
+373 22 509 193

+373 22 509 143

Anticamera Liceului
+373 22 509 131

Linia fierbinte USEM
(pentru reclamații sau sugestii)
+373 22 509 127

La ce Facultate ați dori să studiați?

Profesorii noștri

Sturza Violina

Sturza Violina



Registration for Students - NATO-EU Roundtable 2023

Registration for STUDENTS for NATO-EU Roundtable 2023 is now open! General registration opens in mid-March. Limited EARLY BIRD tickets are available now! Register here

NATO-EU Roundtable is a multi-disciplinary conference focused on the active participation of emerging leaders, young professionals, and security experts from all over the world. In 2023, the event will be taking place for the eleventh time. This event has very limited capacity so book your tickets in advance to take part in this prestigious roundtable.

The panel discussions will take place on April 20, 2023, at the Park Inn by Radisson Meriton Conference & Spa Hotel Tallinn. The North Atlantic Council simulation is going to be taking place on April 21 at the Radisson Blu Olumpia Hotel Tallinn. The conference's working language is English.

This event is bringing together top-tier panelists from all levels of NATO and the European Union.

You can find the full agenda and the list of our distinguished speakers on this page

Find more info about the event and register here

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