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Șeican Valeria

Șeican Valeria

Doctor în studiul artelor audiovizuale


Program de Mentorat Pentru Tineri Jurnalisti - Ratiu Forum & LSE IDEAS

The Ratiu Forum, a partnership between LSE IDEAS (London School of Economics) and the Ratiu Family Charitable Foundation, is now accepting applications for the 2024 Journalism Mentorship Programme.

Applications are open to ambitious, early-career young journalists from Romania and Moldova who wish to advance their professional skills and their understanding of the Central and East European region. One of the mentees will also be selected to attend the 2024 News Associates Summer School in London, UK.

The Programme will run from January to July 2024. Activities include online sessions and one in-person workshop, which will take place at Ratiu Conference Centre in Turda, Romania. The participants will have the opportunity to learn from seasoned journalists working for the Financial Times, BBC, New Eastern Europe Magazine, and the Associated Press, and from a range of prominent experts on cutting-edge topics relevant to the CEE region.

Application deadline: Friday, December 15th 2023, 11:59 pm

In order to apply for the Journalism Mentorship Programme, interested candidates should submit a cover letter, a CV, an article pitch, and a writing sample to 

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