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La ce Facultate ați dori să studiați?

Profesorii noștri

Lupu Constantin

Lupu Constantin

Doctor în științe economice

Șeful catedrei „Finanţe şi Contabilitate”

Press Release on the International Scientific Conference

We are very pleased to inform you that the University of European Studies of Moldova organized the International Scientific Conference PROMOTING SOCIAL AND ECONOMIC VALUES IN THE CONTEXT OF EUROPEAN INTEGRATION, on December 3rd – 4th 2021, together with local partners, as well as from Russia and Romania.

The main objectives of the Conference were achieved:

To analyze current achievements and problems in the development of different areas of the economy,

To promote and strengthen the understanding and awareness of the issue of law and international law,

To increase the visibility of researchers, especially young people at European level, on conference issues, etc.

The conference brought together over 100 participants from Russia, Romania, Ukraine, Uzbekistan, Poland and the Republic of Moldova.

With greetings to the participants were

JUC Victor prof. Univ., Dr. Hab., Institute of Legal, Political and Sociological Research

TIMUȘ Angela associate professor, PhD, National Institute of Economic Research

BOSNEAGU ROMEO, University Professor, PhD, Honorary member of the SENATE of the Naval Academy "Mircea cel Batran" from Constanța

ALIBEKOV Shakhizin Ilmutdinovich, University Professor, PhD, North Caucasian Institute All-Russian State University of Justice (RLA of the Ministry of Justice of Russia)

NUȚA Florian Associate Professor PhD, Vice-rector for scientific activity DANUBIUS University of Galați

IGNAT Gabriela, Associate Professor, PhD, Member of the Senate of the Ion Ionescu de la Brad Iasi University of Life Sciences from Romania

MAGOMEDOV Bagavdin Magomedovich Associate Professor, PhD, director of the Rostov Institute (branch) of All-Russian State University of Justice (RLA of the Ministry of Justice of Russia)

NAIDA Anna Mihailovna, Ph.D. Dean of the Faculty of Management, Tisby Management University

The 2-day program included a mix of plenary and parallel sessions that provided participants with an opportunity to reflect on and discuss a wide range of recent developments in economics, social sciences, national law and practices, the European Partnerships, International Relations and other areas of social and economical importance.

The papers were presented at several scientific workshops addressed to various topics such as:

  1. Economics (Business Administration, Finance, Accounting, Marketing, etc)
  2. Law
  3. Agriculture
  4. Education
  5. Psychology
  6. Politics
  7. Media and communication

The purpose of the scientific conference was the collection of scientific articles by the participating researchers in both online and offline sections.

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