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Cuciurcă Angela

Cuciurcă Angela

Magistru în ştiinţe sociale

Șef Interimar Al Catedrei „Drept Privat”


Invitation to attend the USIDHR Youth Summit, 2022

We are pleased to announce the most awaited event of the year, the Youth Summit 2022 by the US Institute of Diplomacy and Human Rights, taking place in Istanbul, Turkey from April 1st-4th 2022.

The Youth Summit by USIDHR is a platform to share your goals, ideas, and visions for the future of humanity on an international stage along with other like-minded young leaders. The Youth Summit is a unique, one-of-a-kind program that will equip attendees with the knowledge and skills to become an effective leader in their community. Students will learn how to effectively communicate ideas and build relationships with others. Additionally, gaining valuable experience working on real projects for non-profit organizations. A distinctive perk being, getting certified as a Human Rights Leader by the US Institute of Diplomacy and Human Rights.

We will be offering 5 scholarships to students who have displayed excellent work within their communities. To understand about the program & the scholarship opportunities we are offering, we would like to propose a circulation of the following to your students: Conference Website

Should you have any questions or queries, please feel free to reach us on 

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