
Anticamera USEM
+373 22 509 122

Secția studii 
+373 22 509 140

Comisia de Admitere
+373 22 509 140
+373 22 509 127
+373 22 509 149

Facultatea de Drept
+373 22 509 137

Facultatea de Psihologie
și Asistență Socială

+373 22 509 196

Facultatea de Jurnalism
și Științe ale Comunicării
+373 22 509 193

+373 22 509 143

Anticamera Liceului
+373 22 509 131

Linia fierbinte USEM
(pentru reclamații sau sugestii)
+373 22 509 127

La ce Facultate ați dori să studiați?

Profesorii noștri

Chisili Serghei

Chisili Serghei

Doctor în științe economice

Şeful catedrei „Economie şi Turism”

Internship opportunities

The BIS is always looking for highly motivated and talented individuals to join their team and put their knowledge into practice. An internship with us represents an enriching opportunity for the candidate to experience a dynamic working environment and to acquire and improve professional skills in a stimulating international setting.
Tour and Travel Assistant
  • Dealing with programme planning.
  • Interacting directly with potential, new and existing suppliers (accommodation, transport, restaurants, tour guides and activity centres) in order to set up agreements or make bookings.
  • Looking after and assisting incoming groups of students.
  • Welcoming tourists and students at the airport and accompanying them throughout London.
We are looking for motivated University students with a background in Languages, Tourism, Public Relations and International Trade.
Click HERE to fill in a request of internship form or send your CV to with the subject line: “BIS Travel Agency Assistant".
Human Resources Assistant
  • Creating University databases and contacting them to recruit potential Interns.
  • Assisting the HR Manager in selecting interns, planning and arranging their internships.
  • Dealing with the daily management of the Interns in-house (holidays, overtime, shifts, during and post-internship documents).
  • Administrative tasks related to the daily business.
We are looking for motivated University students with a background in International Trade, Business, Public Relations, Foreign Languages and Human Resources.
Click HERE to fill in a request of internship form or send your CV to with the subject line: “BIS Human Resources Assistant".
Creative Assistant
  • Creating several visual supports such as logos, brochures and advertising images.
  • Developing web pages and managing webmaster tools and plug-ins.
  • Management of Social Media networks and email campaigns.
We are looking for motivated University students with a background in Graphic Design and Digital Marketing.
Click HERE to fill in a request of internship form or send your CV to with the subject line: “BIS Creative Assistant".
Manager Assistant
  • Analysing the target market.
  • Creating databases of potential customers.
  • Promoting the company’s services by contacting potential customers both via email and telephone.
  • Creating contracts and issuing invoices for clients.
  • Classifying and registering purchase and sales invoices, bank statements and other relevant documents.
  • Administrative tasks related to the daily business.
We are looking for motivated University students with a background in International Trade, Business, Public Relations and Foreign languages.
Click HERE to fill in a request of internship form or send your CV to with the subject line: “BIS Manager Assistant".
IT & Programmer Assistant
  • Maintenance of printers, multifunctional devices, telephone systems.
  • Managing IT infrastructure.
  • Maintenance of the servers.
We are looking for motivated University students with a background in IT & Programming.
Click HERE to fill in a request of internship form or send your CV to with the subject line: “BIS IT & Programmer Assistant".
  • Welcoming visitors and introducing them appropriately.
  • Answering, screening and forwarding any incoming phone calls to the right department.
  • Receive and sort daily mail.
  • Maintaining security by following procedures and controlling access.
We are looking for motivated University students with a background in International Trade, Business, Public Relations and Foreign languages.
Click HERE to fill in a request of internship form or send your CV to with the subject line: “BIS Receptionist".

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