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Macari Elena

Macari Elena

Șef - Comisia de Management al Calității


International Summer School in the Foundations of Democracy: American Law, Politics & Economy!

The Center For American Studies invites you to participate in the 4th edition of the International Summer School in the Foundations of Democracy: American Law, Politics & Economy!

During Summer School in the Foundations of Democracy: American Law, Politics & Economy you will gain knowledge across fields such as law, politics, economics, international relations, sociology, and philosophy. You will also develop your critical thinking, teamwork, and argumentation skills.

Participants are not required to have advanced knowledge of law, politics or economics in order to participate. The Summer School is intended to be an educational program that popularizes knowledge about democracy and American law, politics & economy among participants from all over the world.

All classes are led by world-class faculty from the best European and American universities (alumni of universities such as Harvard, Oxford, Princeton, Virginia, and George Mason University).

The Summer School takes place live in Rome, Italy, on July 16-30, 2023. Registration with a discount is available only until April 1, 2023!

More information about the registration process:

Send us an email (preferably in English) to in case of any questions!

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