
Anticamera USEM
+373 22 509 122

Secția studii 
+373 22 509 140

Comisia de Admitere
+373 22 509 140
+373 22 509 127
+373 22 509 149

Facultatea de Drept
+373 22 509 137

Facultatea de Psihologie
și Asistență Socială

+373 22 509 196

Facultatea de Jurnalism
și Științe ale Comunicării
+373 22 509 193

+373 22 509 143

Anticamera Liceului
+373 22 509 131

Linia fierbinte USEM
(pentru reclamații sau sugestii)
+373 22 509 127

La ce Facultate ați dori să studiați?

International Spring School European Security and Integration

Spiru Haret University of Bucharest, via the Center for International Relations and Academic Image and in partnership with the University of Academy of Sciences of Moldova in Chisinau, have the pleasure to extend their invitation for you to take part in one of the most interesting educational events of 2018 spring, namely the International Spring School.
The theme of the edition is "European Security and Integration" and the worldwide participants will be given the opportunity to debate on the issue becoming a priority in the current geographic and political environment, with a strong impact on the EU members and on the future of the Union.
Dates: 25-29 March 2018
Venue: Premium Wellness Institute, 1-3 Dumitru Brumărescu Str., district 4, Bucharest
  • Over 18 years of age,
  • Students or higher education graduates
  • International Relations and the Geo-political situation in the Balkans.
  • National Diplomacy and Security.
  • Leadership, policies and mechanisms of economic growth.
Working language: English.
The International Spring School will benefit from an international attendance and will consist of lectures/courses/team projects and teambuilding activities, provided by national and international candidates and speakers, field specialists, diplomats, University Professors, business people, professionals in EU policies.
The access to the courses of the International Spring School will be gained via an essay competition on a given topic, along with the expression of the motivation and the Curriculum Vitae of the candidate (link – for essay topics, details)  registration form to be downloaded from the site.  The top three essays will be awarded by the organizers and the winners will be accepted for attendance of the School courses, without the need for paying the registration fee (link – registration fee payment details).
The scientific debates, the findings of the papers at the International Spring School will be published in the ISSN-indexed and pre-defined formated Annals, in Romanian /English languages.
  • The form will be downloaded and saved in the computer. At a later date, it will be filled out and sent in a WORD format to
  • Deadline for receiving the forms: 14 January 2018
The results will be made public in the email on 5 February 2018 
Registration fee  – 310 EUR / person
The fee includes the 4-night accommodation, 3 meals a day coffee breaks, the study support materials (International Spring School materials, participation diplomas), city and the sightseeing tours.
The fee will be paid after the confirmation mail for the School seat.

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