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+373 22 509 140

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+373 22 509 127

La ce Facultate ați dori să studiați?

Profesorii noștri

Beniuc Valentin

Beniuc Valentin

Doctor habiliat în ştiinţe politice

International Law Competition Youth for Peace International University MITSO Minsk Belarus

The Organizing Committee of the XIII International Law Competition “Youth for Peace” invites You to take part in this annual contest on international law that will be held in Minsk from September 24 to 28, 2018.
The main objective of the Competition is to involve actively young people in the political and cultural life of the society and to disseminate knowledge of international humanitarian law. For the previous 12 years of the Competition, the contest participants were representatives of more than 35 countries.
Participants can be students and master degree students under the age of 35. A team should consist of 2-3 participants. Participation of mixed teams (participants coming from several universities from one country) is also allowed. The working language of the Competition is English.
Participation is competitive. The Organizing Committee determines the order of selection of participants by the results of the preliminary round. The main selection criteria are the originality of the submitted materials, their correspondence to the Competition’s theme.
The jury of the Competition consists of a number of key international law experts from the UK, the Netherlands, France, Germany and Belarus.
Within the framework of the Competition the International University "MITSO" conducts a series of open lectures "Days of International Law" of key international law experts.
Applications are accepted until June 30, 2018 to an email address

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