
Anticamera USEM
+373 22 509 122

Secția studii 
+373 22 509 140

Comisia de Admitere
+373 22 509 140
+373 22 509 127
+373 22 509 149

Facultatea de Drept
+373 22 509 137

Facultatea de Psihologie
și Asistență Socială

+373 22 509 196

Facultatea de Jurnalism
și Științe ale Comunicării
+373 22 509 193

+373 22 509 143

Anticamera Liceului
+373 22 509 131

Linia fierbinte USEM
(pentru reclamații sau sugestii)
+373 22 509 127

La ce Facultate ați dori să studiați?

EU*Connect 2023-2024

This academic year 2023-2024, CIFE is launching a second edition of EU*Connect, its online study programme for young professionals and students from France, Germany, Ukraine and Moldova.

Over a period of 5 months (from October 2023 to March 2024), participants will benefit from 100 hours of teaching in English by renowned experts from the EU and Ukraine. The focus is on the fundamental principles of the EU, the particular challenges faced by Ukraine in the context of war, and the challenges faced by EU accession countries. 

As well as developing expertise on the European Union, the programme encourages exchanges between young people from the four countries and enables participants to broaden their horizons and own vision of the EU in a stimulating intercultural environment. 

The programme, which is entirely free of charge, is being run in cooperation with the Taras Shevchenko University in Kyiv and the Young European Federalists of Saxony-Anhalt. It is funded by the Franco-German Youth Office (OFAJ). The courses take place in the evening to fit in with the schedules of as many participants as possible. No qualifications are required to take part, just an understanding of English and curiosity! 

Applications are open until 18 September 2023 via the following form

For more information, consult the CIFE EU*Connect website or write to us at  

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