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+373 22 509 122

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+373 22 509 140

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+373 22 509 131

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+373 22 509 127

La ce Facultate ați dori să studiați?

Profesorii noștri

Bujor Veronica

Bujor Veronica

Doctor habilitat în pedagogie


Apply for a scholarship Research in Poland

The call for applications for the "Research in Poland" scholarship programme has started!

If you are a foreign researcher, passionate about the history, culture and heritage of Central and Eastern Europe, we have a unique opportunity for you! Our "Research in Poland" scholarship programme offers financial support for research projects that will contribute to a better understanding of the region.

Who is the programme for?

The "Research in Poland" programme is aimed at foreign researchers, both those who are already conducting research and those who are just planning to start their projects. The scholarship will allow you to focus on your research with financial support of PLN 6,500 per month.

Scholarship details:

  • duration: the fellowship is available for a period of 3 to 9 months, starting in October 2024 and ending in September 2025.

  • application deadline: applications can be submitted until 10 September

  • application process: applications are only accepted via our application generator, which is available online. You can fill in your application in Polish or English

  • outcome of the call: applicants will be informed of the results by email by 25 September

How to apply?

To participate, simply complete the online application on our website. Describe your research project that has the potential to contribute to the knowledge of Central and Eastern Europe.

Why is it worth it?

The ‘Research in Poland’ programme is not only a financial support, but also an opportunity to develop knowledge of the region, which is crucial for understanding the cultural identity of Europe. Thanks to the scholarship, you can devote yourself to research that will shed new light on the history, culture and relations between peoples in Central and Eastern Europe.

Don't miss this opportunity and apply today!

For more information click HERE.

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