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Deliu Angela

Deliu Angela

Doctor în drept

Șeful catedrei „Drept Privat”


2nd International Tourism Hospitality and Management Conference (ITHMC)

On behalf of the Organization Committee, we are pleased to invite you to the 2nd International Tourism and Hospitality Management Conference (ITHMC 2016) which will be held on 12-16 October, 2016 in Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina. Conference is organized by Department of Geography, Faculty of Science, University of Sarajevo, Kocaeli University, Mugla Sıtkı Kocman University and Europe Congress. 
The conference aims to bring together leading academic scientists and researchers to exchange and share their experiences and scientific research results, ideas and applications about all the aspects of Tourism Science and Hospitality Management. Tourism science is both fundamental and an applicative science, so we also invite representatives from the economy, hotel industry, tourist agencies, as well as government representatives to attend the conference. ITHMC 2016 includes various themes and sub themes so it will be interesting for different attendees from various science and economy fields.
In addition to our conference scientific sessions, we would like to invite you to visit Bosnia and Herzegovina and see various tourism phenomena and rich natural heritage and cultural monuments. Conference participants that show interest will have the opportunity to visit small part of our tourism attractiveness through out several field trips. 
We look forward to greeting you at the International Tourism and Hospitality Management Conference (ITHMC 2016) in Sarajevo.
For more information about the conference organization, themes and sub-themes, social activity packages etc please check this web page
Important Dates
Deadline for Abstract Submission
Deadline for Full text Submission 
Deadline for Payments
July 31, 2016
August 28, 2016
August 28, 2016
Conference Topics 
International Tourism and Hospitality Management Conference (ITHMC) will provide a unique forum for attendees from academia, industry, government, and other organizations to actively exchange, share, and challenge state of the art research and industrial case studies. 
Main Themes
Protected Areas and Tourism
Urban Tourism and Cultural Heritage
GIS Applications in Tourism
Hospitality, tourism management and marketing 
Destination marketing and management 
Sustainable tourism 
Tourism and environment 
Tourism planning and regional development
Entrepreneurship in Tourism and Hospitality
Gastronomic Tourism
International Scientific Committee
Prof. Dr. Rifat Skrijelj / University of Sarajevo (Co-Chair of the conference)
Prof. Dr. A. Akın Aksu / Akdeniz University (Co-Chair of the conference)
Prof. Dr. Ahmet Kibar ÇETİN / Çankırı Karatekin University / TURKEY 
Prof. Dr. Ahmet KUBAŞ / Namık Kemal University / TURKEY
Prof. Dr. Ana Vovk Korze/ University of Maribor / SLOVENIA
Prof. Dr. Anton Gosar / University of Primorska / SLOVENIA
Prof.(FH) Mag. Claudia Bauer-Krösbacher / FH Krems University / AUSTRIA
Prof. Dr. Dimitrios Buhalis / Bournemouth University / UK
Prof. Dr. Doğan Gürsoy / Washington State University / USA
Prof. (FH) Dr. Georg Christian Steckenbauer / FH Krems University / AUSTRIA
Prof. Dr. Guy M Robinson / University of South Australia / AUSTRALIA
Prof. Dr. Hülya GÜNDÜZ ÇEKMECELİOĞLU / Kocaeli University / TURKEY
Prof. Dr. İrfan Arıkan / FH Krems University / AUSTRIA
Prof. Dr. Jasmina Osmankovic  / University of Sarajevo / BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA
Prof. Dr. Jean-Pierre Van Der Rest / Hotelschool The Hague / NETHERLANDS  
Prof. Dr. Lucka Lorber / University of Maribor / SLOVENIA
Prof. Dr. Rahman Nurković  / University of Sarajevo / BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA
Prof. Dr. Sami KARACAN / Kocaeli University (Co-Chair of the conference)
Prof. Dr. Snježana Musa / University of Sarajevo / BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA
Prof. Dr. Vesna Babić – Hodović / University of Sarajevo / BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA
Prof. Dr. Željka Šiljković / University of Zadar / CROATIA
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Aysun ÇELİK / Uludağ University / TURKEY
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Ayşe GÜNSEL / Kocaeli University / TURKEY
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Ayhan ORHAN / Kocaeli University / TURKEY
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Erdal ARLI / Kocaeli University / TURKEY
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Esin KARACAN / Kocaeli University / TURKEY
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Emrah ÖZKUL / Kocaeli University / TURKEY 
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Gönül KAYA ÖZBAĞ / Kocaeli University / TURKEY 
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Murat EMEKSİZ / Anadolu University / TURKEY
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Nusret Drešković / University of Sarajevo / BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Orhan AKOVA / İstanbul University / TURKEY 
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Samir Đug / University of Sarajevo / BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Selçuk KOÇ / Kocaeli University / TURKEY
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Umut Avcı / Mugla Sıtkı Koçman University / TURKEY
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Vuk Tvrtko Opačić / University of Zagreb / CROATIA 
Assist. Prof. Dr. Adem YAVAŞ / Kocaeli University / TURKEY  
Assist. Prof. Dr. Alev Dündar / Anadolu University / TURKEY
Assist. Prof. Dr. Asuman PEKYAMAN / Afyon Kocatepe University / TURKEY  
Assist. Prof. Dr. Alma Pobrić / University of Sarajevo / BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA
Assist. Prof. Dr. Bilsen BİLGİLİ / Kocaeli University / TURKEY
Assist. Prof. Dr. Erkan TAŞKIRAN / Kocaeli University / TURKEY
Assist. Prof. Dr. Emine YILDIZ KALE / Nevşehir University / TURKEY
Assist. Prof. Dr. İbrahim ÇETİN / Kocaeli University / TURKEY
Assist. Prof. Dr. Miha Koderman / University of Primorska / SLOVENIA
Assist. Prof. Dr. Nükhet ADALET AKPULAT / Ege University / TURKEY
Assist. Prof. Dr. Tülay POLAT ÜZÜMCÜ / Kocaeli University / TURKEY
Assist. Prof. Dr. Ranko Mirić / University of Sarajevo / BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA
Assist. Prof. Dr. Senem Yazıcı / Mugla Sıtkı Koçman University / (Co-Chair of the conference)
Assist. Prof. Dr. Ševkija Okerić / University of Sarajevo / BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA
Assist. Prof. Dr. Senada Nezirović / University of Sarajevo / BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA
Assist. Prof. Dr. Yıldırım Yılmaz / Akdeniz University / TURKEY
Assist. Prof. Dr. Yüksel GÜNGÖR / Kocaeli University / TURKEY

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