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International Scientific-Practical Conference European Integration: economic-legal aspects - IVth edition

Faculty of Economics and Faculty of Law of University of European Studies of Moldova in partnership with Kazan Cooperative Institute  and "Stefan cel Mare" University of Suceava
invites you to participate in the fourth edition of the International Scientific-Practical Conference "European Integration: economic-legal aspects" which will be held on 21st of December 2018, on the address: Chisinau, G. Iablocichin street 2/1, Hall 200, 2nd floor.
The work is addressed to the following areas of knowledge: economics, law, political sciences, communication sciences, education, tourism, health, etc. The working languages of the conference are: Romanian, Russian, English.
Articles must present research on the issues of European integration, have a logical structure marked by introduction to the problem, research methods, basic text, conclusions and end with a bibliography drawn up in accordance with the requirements Academic. The organizers invite you to participate in this scientific event which addresses the following thematic sections:
  1. Ensuring economic performance through community integration;
  2. European integration by means of rules of law;
  3. Current dimensions and challenges in the social-political field in the context of European integration.
Registration: name of the work, author's name and surname, scientific and didactic degree, institution, abstract, e-mail, telephone
Please follow the link for online registration
01 December 2018
Sending the work in extenso
15 December 2018
 Conference day
21 December 2018
A maximum of 2 items will be accepted from the authors including the co-author. The number of co-authors is not restricted. When sending e-mail, the name of the file will coincide with the name of the first author.
Articles, in Romanian, Russian and English will be published in the volume of the Conference, with ISBN code at a publishing house accredited by CNCSIS, Romania.
  1. formatting: up 2.0 cm, down 2.0 cm, left 2.0 cm, right 2.0 cm, Interval 1.0 cm. page numbering will not be performed. For publishing will be accepted works with the volume between 6-10 pages.
  2. title of the paper (Times New Roman 14pt, Bold, Alignment centre). A white line (one interval).
  3. author(s) (Times New Roman 14pt, Bold, Alignment centre), followed by the scientific, didactic title and institution (Italic). A white line (one interval).
  4. summary (Times New Roman 10pt, Justify, Alignment left, Italic) Maximum of 200 words in the writing language of the article and in English and shall contain: actuality, purpose, research methods, results.
  5. keywords: one line away from the summary, with Times New Roman 10, Alignment left, Italic. Includes up to 5 representative words in alphabetical order. A white line (one interval).
  6. The content of the paper: The text of the paper will be written with Times New Roman 12pt, Interval 1.0cm, Alignment Justify and must contain 6-8 pages (in even number), and must be structured this way: introduction to the problem, basic text, conclusions and ends with the bibliographic list. Quoting will only be done by quoting in square brackets the number of order. Example: [1], [2] .... [n]. Equations, formulas and symbols will be written to the left of the page. They will be numbered consecutively. The international Arabic numbering system will be used. A white line will be left before and after each equation. Photos, drawings and tables will be numbered consecutively and centred on the page. They will be separated by text through a white line. No scanned tables are allowed. The conclusions will reflect the opinions of the authors on the problems and presented results. Two white lines. 
  7. bibliography (Times New Roman, 12pt, Bold. Alignment left). Name, first letter of the surname, title, publisher, city, year. They are presented in alphabetical order.
The authors bear full responsibility for the originality of the work, the accuracy of calculations, experimental data and scientific interpretations, as well as for the correctness of the drafting in Romanian, English and Russian.
No participation fees are charged!
The conference collection is offered with a fee: for authors, citizens of the Republic of Moldova, will be 100 lei MDL, and for foreign citizens - 10 EURO.
Accommodation and transport expenses will be borne by the participants.
SARGU Lilia, PhD, Ass. prof.
AIRAPETEAN Artur, PhD, Ass. prof.
PÎRȚAC Grigore, PhD, Ass. prof.
GRIBINCEA Alexandru, PhD hab, prof.
CHISILI Serghei, PhD, Ass. prof.
LUPU Constantin, PhD, Ass. prof.
DASCALIUC Daniela, PhD, Ass. prof.
BURBULEA Rodica, PhD, Ass. prof.
SEDLETCHI Iurie, PhD, prof., UESM
SARGU  Lilia PhD, Ass. prof., UESM
BELOSTECINIC Grigore, acad. of ASM, AESM, Republic of Moldova
GAINA Boris, acad. of ASM, Republic of Moldova
STRATAN Alexandru, cor. mem. of ASM, NIER, Republic of Moldova
ISTUDOR Nicolae, PhD, prof., AES Bucuresti, Romania
COMAN Claudiu PhD, prof., UTB, Brasov, Romania
COJOCARU Vadim, PhD, prof., AESM, Republica Moldova
MEREUȚĂ Ion PhD. hab, prof., Nicolae Testemitanu SUMPh, Republic of Moldova
VALEEVA Iulia, Ph.D in economy, asosiate professor, Kazan Cooperative Institute, Russian Federation
GHILI Serghei, Ph.D, professor Russian University of Cooperation, Russian Federation
NABIEVA Alsu, Ph.D in economy, professor, Kazan Cooperative Institute, Russian Federation
LEBEDEVA Svetlana, Ph.D, professor Belarusian Trade and Economics University of Consumer Cooperatives, Republic of Belarus
HLACIUC Elena,  PhD, prof.,Univ. "Ştefan cel Mare" of Suceava, Romania
GROSU Veronica, PhD, prof. Univ. "Ştefan cel Mare"of Suceava, Romania
PENTIUC Radu, PhD, prof., Univ. "Ştefan cel Mare" of Suceava, Romania
MATEŞ Dorel, PhD, prof. univ, UVT, Timisoara, Romania
ULIAN Galina, PhD hab., prof., SUM, Republic of Moldova
GANEA Victoria PhD hab., prof., SUM, Republic of Moldova
BURIAN lexandru, PhD hab., prof., UESM, Republic of Moldova
BĂIEŞU Aurel, PhD hab., prof., Republic of Moldova
BRÎNZĂ Sergiu, PhD hab., prof., SUM, Republic of Moldova
BALTAG Dumitru, PhD hab., prof., FIUM, Republic of  Moldova MIHAILA Svetlana, PhD, Ass. prof, AESM, Republic of Moldova
AIRAPETEAN Artur, PhD, Ass. prof, UESM, Republic of Moldova
DONCIU Anatolie, PhD, Ass. prof, UESM, Republic of Moldova
MIHALCIUC Camelia, PhD, Ass. prof. Suceava, Romania
SOCOLIUC Marian, PhD, Univ. "Ştefan cel Mare"of Suceava,Romania
STIHI Ludmila, PhD, Ass. prof., AESM, Republica Moldova
LUPU Constantin PhD, Ass. prof, UESM, Republic of Moldova
MANOLI Mihail, PhD, Ass. prof, UESM, Republic of Moldova
PUŞCAŞ Victor PhD, Ass. prof, UESM, Republic of Moldova
BÎTCĂ Ion PhD, Ass. prof, UESM, Republic of Moldova
PRODAN Svetlana, PhD, Ass. prof, UESM, Republic of Moldova
FLOREA Evghenii, PhD, Ass. prof, UESM, Republic of Moldova
SPÂNU Igor, PhD, Ass. prof, UESM, Republic of Moldova
FLOREA Adelina, PhD, Ass. prof, UESM, Republic of Moldova
PAVLIUC Ghenadie, PhD, Ass. prof, UESM, Republic of Moldova
MD-2069, University of European Studies of Moldova, Chisinau, G. Iablocichin street 2/1 
hall 200 , 2nd floor ,
Tel.: ( 373) 022 50 91 41
GSM. ( 373) 068132020
HERE You can download the pdf file with the invitation
HERE You can access the link for registration
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