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Doga Anatolie

Doga Anatolie

Doctor în drept

Conferinţa Internaţională Ştiinţifico - Practică Ediţia 1

European University of Moldova (EUM) has the pleasure and honor to invite you to take part in the 1st edition of the International Scientific and Practical Conference “European Approaches to Research and Innovation”, which will be held on October 9-12, 2014.
Conference sessions will take place in the following locations:
ASM: 1, Stefan cel Mare avenue., Chisinau
EUM: 2/1, G. Iablockin street., Chisinau 
The scientific conference with international participation “European Approaches to Research and Innovation” intends to bring together every year scholars involved in this field, put into discussion issues which need immediate solutions and scientific arguments for the benefit of the whole society. 
Meeting of famous specialists in evaluation field, experience sharing and common activities of scientific and academic representatives of communitary countries, as well as outside EU, will allow the participants, within some specialized departments and organized work-shops, to expose the results of scientific researches and debate upon important subjects.
Conferences, colloquia, seminar groups and work-shops organized within an academic and university environment represent perfect opportunities for the improvement and harmonization of national system ”Education-research-innovation”, and its joining to European standards. This is exactly the purpose which the International Conference “European Approaches to Research and Innovation”,  organized by the European University of Moldova and the Advisory Expertise Council of the ASM follows.
The present conference will represent a wholly new beginning by combining the conferences from different faculties of EUM into one; it will start a permanent tradition, and thus, will make familiar the research level outside the boundaries of the Republic of Moldova; this will contribute to establishment of relations allowing to initiate some collaboration common projects.
This event is a very important and special one both for academic life, as well as for establishment and development of some collaboration relations between scholars of different countries and fields. 
With this occasion, please, send us your latest studies.
Contact persons and e-mail addresses
Plenary session –11 presentations (special guests) 
Ţurcan Aurelia
PhD., Associate Prof.,
Section 1. Performance through Research in Judicial and Administrative Sciences Viewing the Integration into European Space of Research 
Airapetian Artur, PhD., Associate Prof.,
Section 2. Studies, estimations, analyses of the process of research and innovation
Sargu Lilia PhD.,
Section 3. Humanitarian Sciences viewing the creation of a knowledge  society
Bahneanu Vitalina
PhD., Associate Prof.,
Section 4.  Sciences of Communication  – a truly important means for discussing the results of researches
Enache Valentina
PhD., Associate Prof.,
Papers may be submitted in three languages: Romanian, English and Russian.
All papers will be double-blind refereed and only those accepted will be published in the Scientific Magazine “European Vector” in the conference proceeding (with the ISBN code). 
Title of paper, name and surname of author, scientific degree and academic position, institution, abstract (Romanian English) (0,5-1 pag. A4),  e-mail, telephone
AUGUST 15,  2014
Notification of Acceptance / Rejection of Paper
SEPTEMBER 5,  2014
Final Paper Submission
SEPTEMBER 14,  2014
-  Free tax participation.
- Accommodation and transport costs will be paid by the participants. If necessary, assistance may be offered to participants with respect to accommodation booking.
-  Conference proceedings will be paid by the authors.
NOTE: The Power Point presentation is recommended to be in English..
1.TITLE OF THE PAPER (Times New Roman, 12pt, Bold, center aligned).
(title translated into English or French)
2. AUTHOR: Name, Surname (Times New Roman, 12pt, Bold, right aligned), followed by the Scientific Degree and Institution (Italics).
3. ABSTRACT (Times New Roman, 10pt, Justify, 200 characters maximum, brief presentation of text in English or French.
4.1. Times New Roman Typeface 12 pt, 1 space, center justified.  Papers must have 6 to 8 pages, pair number.
4.2. Equations, formulas and symbols will be written center aligned and numbered in succession.  Use the Arabic International System of numbering. Leave one line space before and after each equation.
4.3. Photos, drawings and tables will be numbered sequentially, centre aligned, separated from the text with one line space. 
Scanned tables are not allowed.
4.4. Conclusions will reflect the authors’ point of view upon the issues and results analyzed.
4.5. Bibliography   (Times New Roman, 12pt ) is numbered alphabetically: Surname, Name (Initial Letter), Title, Edition, Year, Pages. Footnotes will be numbered in brackets in the text to the order of the bibliography.
Authors are fully responsible for the published paper, accuracy of calculations and data.
- The papers that do not follow the aforementioned editorial requirements and deadlines will not be published.
- The papers are to be submitted by e-mail: .doc or .docx. to
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